
The 6051 CAN Gateway/Repeater provides communication between dissimilar network protocols such as J1939 and CANopen. It alternately can function as a repeater to provide network extendability and support of a large number of nodes. This product is part of the 6000 series for use with the Universal II and other Akron Brass onboard monitor controls.


The style 6051 CAN Gateway/Repeater supports the basic functions for any Universal II controlled monitor.

  • Various protocol versions
  • Network status indicators
  • J1939 CAN communication
  • Bi-directional communication
  • Plug and Play
Akron Brass

CAN to CAN Gateway/Repeater

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Technical details & documents

For the CAN to CAN Gateway/Repeater
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Style 6051
Family Electrical
Brand Akron Brass
Volts 10 - 32 VDC
Engine Power $0.00
Bid Specification Template

10 to 32 Volt DC Operation
J1939 CAN Compliant
Supports up to six UII controlled monitors
Bi-directional communication