
The 6041 OEM Interface Box provides monitor positioning control by converting direct inputs into CAN signals to transmit over the J1939 CAN network . This product is part of the 6041 series for use with any Akron Brass monitor that communicates using CAN signals.


The style 6041 OEM Interface Box allows the connection of direct wired inputs for any Akron Brass monitor with a U2 logic box or onboard electronics.

  • Sealed 4 pin connector
  • Network status indicators
  • J1939 CAN communication
  • Wired inputs for use with analog Switches
  • Plug and play
  • Priority is Assignable
Dealer Reward

OEM Interface Box

Reward Value: $0.00

Technical details & documents

For the OEM Interface Box
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Style 6041
Family Electrical
Brand Akron Brass
Volts 8 - 33 VDC
Weight (Imperial) 1.5
Width (English) 4.2in
Width (Metric) 108mm
Depth (English) 2in
Depth (Metric) 51mm
Height (English) 3.3in
Height (Metric) 84mm
Engine Power $0.00
Bid Specification Template

8 to 33 Volt DC Operation
J1939 CAN Compliant
Assignable from Joystick1 to Joystick6