Quality Assurance

Delivery of high quality product starts with an effective Quality Management System. Certified as an ISO-9001 company ensures customers that we are committed to internal discipline for quality and is the foundation for continuous improvement. Akron uses proactive techniques such as Kaizen, 5S, Lean manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping which are applied to our processes delivering outstanding life-safety product.

Utilizing a state-of-the-art metrology (science of measurement) system, product tolerances are measured using an automated Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) for accuracy.

  1. Significantly improved grip in wet conditions
  2. Operating lever and handle identical across all dimensions
  3. Minimal training required for inexperienced users

Quality Policy

Akron Brass will lead the Life Safety Industry with “solution-based” products of exceptional value and quality. Our Leadership is built upon the following principles:

  • Continuous Innovation of new and existing products and services through the application of our rigorous innovation process.
    Un-compromised Global Customer Focus which includes on-time delivery of quality products.
  • Continuous Improvement of our Processes and Systems – based upon customer focused objectives and measurable goals.
  • Continuous Investment in our People – through established training programs that offer opportunities for advancement.
  • Providing a Positive Working Environment where all associates contribute to on-going quality improvement, are mutually respected, and are accountable for quality standards.
    Supplier Relationships that are grounded in the spirit of customer service, open communication, and continuous value improvement.

Akron Brass knows and understands the daily sacrifices our customers make in order to perform their jobs. All of our products are held to high quality standards to reduce risk and help first responders continue to save lives and protect property.

Product Testing 

Because we know that people count on our products to help protect property and save lives, we’re committed to having the best products in the market. We perform extensive research and development, as well as rigorous testing, to make sure that when our customers are putting it all on the line, we’re right there with them. Every product is 100% tested for water tight integrity and performance.

  • New product designs are subjected to a comprehensive regimen of mechanical, electrical, environmental, and functionality tests specific to the application.
  • In-house testing capabilities, combined with independent laboratories, are used to qualify new product designs.
  • Production testing is also performed to ensure that each product performs to specification.
  • Test standards include: SAE, MIL, NFPA, FM, CE, DOT, FMVSS

High Standards

Product Manufacturing Process

At Akron Brass, we know that we’re developing products that save lives and protect property. We also know that the individuals who use our products have an enormous amount of responsibility on their shoulders, which is why we feel the same responsibility to provide them with expertly manufactured products. Our foundry, machining and assembly processes allow us to have total control of our products from the start of production at our foundry to final testing in assembly.

  • 40 different machining centers utilizing the latest technology including advanced CNC machines for effective lean manufacturing
  • World Class customer oriented production processes providing highly customized product solutions to meet each our customers unique requirements
  • Production testing of all our products ensures that each product performs to specification
  • World-class customer service levels 

The Trusted IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

Nunc turpis neque, viverra vel aliquet elementum, placerat vitae lacus. Nam neque sapien, ultrices ut accumsan quis, imperdiet eu ante. Vestibulum eu luctus odio, ornare ultrices augue. Cras eu egestas dolor. Sed orci nibh, dictum sed iaculis quis, semper vitae quam. Nunc maximus leo mauris.

The Trusted IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

Nunc turpis neque, viverra vel aliquet elementum, placerat vitae lacus. Nam neque sapien, ultrices ut accumsan quis, imperdiet eu ante. Vestibulum eu luctus odio, ornare ultrices augue. Cras eu egestas dolor. Sed orci nibh, dictum sed iaculis quis, semper vitae quam. Nunc maximus leo mauris.

The Trusted IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

Nunc turpis neque, viverra vel aliquet elementum, placerat vitae lacus. Nam neque sapien, ultrices ut accumsan quis, imperdiet eu ante. Vestibulum eu luctus odio, ornare ultrices augue. Cras eu egestas dolor. Sed orci nibh, dictum sed iaculis quis, semper vitae quam. Nunc maximus leo mauris.

The Trusted IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

IDEX Fire & Safety Brands

Nunc turpis neque, viverra vel aliquet elementum, placerat vitae lacus. Nam neque sapien, ultrices ut accumsan quis, imperdiet eu ante. Vestibulum eu luctus odio, ornare ultrices augue. Cras eu egestas dolor. Sed orci nibh, dictum sed iaculis quis, semper vitae quam. Nunc maximus leo mauris.

Text & Image Section

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Text & Image Section

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Text & Image Section

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

  1. Significantly improved grip in wet conditions
  2. Operating lever and handle identical across all dimensions
  3. Minimal training required for inexperienced users

Text & Image Section

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

  1. Significantly improved grip in wet conditions
  2. Operating lever and handle identical across all dimensions
  3. Minimal training required for inexperienced users

The world’s most trusted fire & safety equipment

Proin finibus blandit tempor. Donec porta ultrices rutrum. Vivamus eget ligula elit. Nam metus ipsum, porta vitae ligula id, suscipit facilisis erat. Curabitur eu aliquam mauris, in mollis turpis. Fusce faucibus mi ultricies condimentum vehicula. Suspendisse vel lacus placerat, pharetra neque quis, convallis sapien. Nullam nisi quam, cursus vitae dolor vel.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

Maecenas sed lacinia ante, eget pellentesque augue. In at sodales purus. Cras semper, libero sed pellentesque interdum, odio libero rhoncus velit, vel auctor nulla dolor at augue. Donec auctor varius metus quis tempor. Morbi euismod molestie posuere. Mauris luctus ex sit amet erat elementum, vitae faucibus elit egestas. Praesent nec commodo ipsum. Nunc mollis euismod arcu, consectetur consectetur enim. Phasellus ut purus quis metus semper egestas.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

The world’s most trusted fire & safety equipment

Proin finibus blandit tempor. Donec porta ultrices rutrum. Vivamus eget ligula elit. Nam metus ipsum, porta vitae ligula id, suscipit facilisis erat. Curabitur eu aliquam mauris, in mollis turpis. Fusce faucibus mi ultricies condimentum vehicula. Suspendisse vel lacus placerat, pharetra neque quis, convallis sapien. Nullam nisi quam, cursus vitae dolor vel.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

Maecenas sed lacinia ante, eget pellentesque augue. In at sodales purus. Cras semper, libero sed pellentesque interdum, odio libero rhoncus velit, vel auctor nulla dolor at augue. Donec auctor varius metus quis tempor. Morbi euismod molestie posuere. Mauris luctus ex sit amet erat elementum, vitae faucibus elit egestas. Praesent nec commodo ipsum. Nunc mollis euismod arcu, consectetur consectetur enim. Phasellus ut purus quis metus semper egestas.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

The world’s most trusted fire & safety equipment

Proin finibus blandit tempor. Donec porta ultrices rutrum. Vivamus eget ligula elit. Nam metus ipsum, porta vitae ligula id, suscipit facilisis erat. Curabitur eu aliquam mauris, in mollis turpis. Fusce faucibus mi ultricies condimentum vehicula. Suspendisse vel lacus placerat, pharetra neque quis, convallis sapien. Nullam nisi quam, cursus vitae dolor vel.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

Maecenas sed lacinia ante, eget pellentesque augue. In at sodales purus. Cras semper, libero sed pellentesque interdum, odio libero rhoncus velit, vel auctor nulla dolor at augue. Donec auctor varius metus quis tempor. Morbi euismod molestie posuere. Mauris luctus ex sit amet erat elementum, vitae faucibus elit egestas. Praesent nec commodo ipsum. Nunc mollis euismod arcu, consectetur consectetur enim. Phasellus ut purus quis metus semper egestas.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

Proin finibus blandit tempor. Donec porta ultrices rutrum. Vivamus eget ligula elit. Nam metus ipsum, porta vitae ligula id, suscipit facilisis erat. Curabitur eu aliquam mauris, in mollis turpis. Fusce faucibus mi ultricies condimentum vehicula. Suspendisse vel lacus placerat, pharetra neque quis, convallis sapien. Nullam nisi quam, cursus vitae dolor vel.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

Maecenas sed lacinia ante, eget pellentesque augue. In at sodales purus. Cras semper, libero sed pellentesque interdum, odio libero rhoncus velit, vel auctor nulla dolor at augue. Donec auctor varius metus quis tempor. Morbi euismod molestie posuere. Mauris luctus ex sit amet erat elementum, vitae faucibus elit egestas. Praesent nec commodo ipsum. Nunc mollis euismod arcu, consectetur consectetur enim. Phasellus ut purus quis metus semper egestas.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

The world’s most trusted fire & safety equipment

Proin finibus blandit tempor. Donec porta ultrices rutrum. Vivamus eget ligula elit. Nam metus ipsum, porta vitae ligula id, suscipit facilisis erat. Curabitur eu aliquam mauris, in mollis turpis. Fusce faucibus mi ultricies condimentum vehicula. Suspendisse vel lacus placerat, pharetra neque quis, convallis sapien. Nullam nisi quam, cursus vitae dolor vel.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

Maecenas sed lacinia ante, eget pellentesque augue. In at sodales purus. Cras semper, libero sed pellentesque interdum, odio libero rhoncus velit, vel auctor nulla dolor at augue. Donec auctor varius metus quis tempor. Morbi euismod molestie posuere. Mauris luctus ex sit amet erat elementum, vitae faucibus elit egestas. Praesent nec commodo ipsum. Nunc mollis euismod arcu, consectetur consectetur enim. Phasellus ut purus quis metus semper egestas.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

The world’s most trusted fire & safety equipment

Proin finibus blandit tempor. Donec porta ultrices rutrum. Vivamus eget ligula elit. Nam metus ipsum, porta vitae ligula id, suscipit facilisis erat. Curabitur eu aliquam mauris, in mollis turpis. Fusce faucibus mi ultricies condimentum vehicula. Suspendisse vel lacus placerat, pharetra neque quis, convallis sapien. Nullam nisi quam, cursus vitae dolor vel.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

Maecenas sed lacinia ante, eget pellentesque augue. In at sodales purus. Cras semper, libero sed pellentesque interdum, odio libero rhoncus velit, vel auctor nulla dolor at augue. Donec auctor varius metus quis tempor. Morbi euismod molestie posuere. Mauris luctus ex sit amet erat elementum, vitae faucibus elit egestas. Praesent nec commodo ipsum. Nunc mollis euismod arcu, consectetur consectetur enim. Phasellus ut purus quis metus semper egestas.

Nulla turpis tellus, volutpat a tellus in, feugiat eleifend urna. Donec posuere varius lacus at aliquam. Duis fermentum nisi in purus ultricies pulvinar. Nam tempor diam in pretium lobortis. Phasellus sed sem at nunc lacinia malesuada at ut lorem. Curabitur eleifend massa in orci hendrerit elementum. Nunc ut diam nec dui egestas tristique. Nunc in eleifend lorem. Cras rhoncus felis leo, sed molestie eros lacinia ac. Pellentesque nibh nulla, tempor et sem a, aliquam dictum justo. Donec quis porta nibh, a consequat ex. Vivamus laoreet auctor lectus, sed auctor sapien. Proin facilisis mauris velit, id tempus orci posuere vitae. Vestibulum eget lorem lacus. In in sagittis lorem.

The world’s most trusted fire & safety equipment

Content Cards Section

Market specific case studies ..... feugiat orci eget ultricies luctus. Aenean tristique, felis ac blandit dictum, turpis erat pellentesque risus, at sollicitudin nibh nunc a velit. Quisque mattis lorem sed lobortis tristique. Nam luctus, lacus id euismod imperdiet, erat sapien.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Full width highlight section with image left algined

For decades, Akron Apollo monitors have stood as the pinnacle of excellence in the industry and earned the trust of multiple generations of firefighters. Engineered to elevate firefighting to new heights, TerraStream 3 ushers in a new era of innovation.

Full width highlight section with image left algined

For decades, Akron Apollo monitors have stood as the pinnacle of excellence in the industry and earned the trust of multiple generations of firefighters. Engineered to elevate firefighting to new heights, TerraStream 3 ushers in a new era of innovation.

Pellentesque habitant

morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

For decades, Akron Apollo monitors have stood as the pinnacle of excellence in the industry and earned the trust of multiple generations of firefighters. Engineered to elevate firefighting to new heights, TerraStream 3 ushers in a new era of innovation.

Pellentesque habitant

morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

For decades, Akron Apollo monitors have stood as the pinnacle of excellence in the industry and earned the trust of multiple generations of firefighters. Engineered to elevate firefighting to new heights, TerraStream 3 ushers in a new era of innovation.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae 

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Staggered Section

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae 

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Staggered Section

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae 

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae 

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae 

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Product cards section for industry landing pages

Specific products for the fire & safety industry ... ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Product cards section for industry landing pages

Specific products for the fire & safety industry ... ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

In convallis mollis risus sed Praesent consectetur et ex et congue varius.

In convallis mollis risus sed Praesent consectetur et ex et congue varius.


Order Confirmation

The 500 gpm portable monitor shall meet NFPA 1964, 2018 and EN-15767-1. The quick attack monitor shall be lightweight and compact in size. It shall have a 2 1/2" inlet with a full time swivel and a 2 1/2" outlet. The monitor should weigh no more than 15 pounds or 6.8 kg less the nozzle, and have dimensional layout of 9.6"H x 15.0"L x 23.5W (deployed). The monitor shall have a maximum operating pressure of 230 psi or 16 bar. The legs shall fold away to reduce the width down to 7.75". The monitor shall have + 10° of rotation and 50° to 30° elevation range for unmanned use. The handle shall consist of a spring-loaded mechanism that lets the user travel down to 10° of elevation for manned use. The legs shall have a T design and have carbide tip spikes. The monitor shall have a safety strap with integrated bag and hook that is mounted to the monitor and can be hooked to itself to be used as a carrying strap. The monitor mounting bracket shall have the ability hold the monitor with an Akron Brass adjustable/selectable nozzle, Akron Brass fixed orifice nozzle, Akron Brass oscillating nozzle or Akron Brass smooth bore deluge tip. The monitor shall have an unobstructed waterway with a friction loss no more than 6psi at full flow. It shall have a ball shut-off valve with the Akron Tork–Lok mechanism. The material shall be of Pyrolite® construction with the Akro-Tec coating and chrome trim. The outlet shall have a reflective band for night visibility.

Change your order

The 500 gpm portable monitor shall meet NFPA 1964, 2018 and EN-15767-1. The quick attack monitor shall be lightweight and compact in size. It shall have a 2 1/2" inlet with a full time swivel and a 2 1/2" outlet. The monitor should weigh no more than 15 pounds or 6.8 kg less the nozzle, and have dimensional layout of 9.6"H x 15.0"L x 23.5W (deployed). The monitor shall have a maximum operating pressure of 230 psi or 16 bar. The legs shall fold away to reduce the width down to 7.75". The monitor shall have + 10° of rotation and 50° to 30° elevation range for unmanned use. The handle shall consist of a spring-loaded mechanism that lets the user travel down to 10° of elevation for manned use. The legs shall have a T design and have carbide tip spikes. The monitor shall have a safety strap with integrated bag and hook that is mounted to the monitor and can be hooked to itself to be used as a carrying strap. The monitor mounting bracket shall have the ability hold the monitor with an Akron Brass adjustable/selectable nozzle, Akron Brass fixed orifice nozzle, Akron Brass oscillating nozzle or Akron Brass smooth bore deluge tip. The monitor shall have an unobstructed waterway with a friction loss no more than 6psi at full flow. It shall have a ball shut-off valve with the Akron Tork–Lok mechanism. The material shall be of Pyrolite® construction with the Akro-Tec coating and chrome trim. The outlet shall have a reflective band for night visibility.

Cancel your order

The 500 gpm portable monitor shall meet NFPA 1964, 2018 and EN-15767-1. The quick attack monitor shall be lightweight and compact in size. It shall have a 2 1/2" inlet with a full time swivel and a 2 1/2" outlet. The monitor should weigh no more than 15 pounds or 6.8 kg less the nozzle, and have dimensional layout of 9.6"H x 15.0"L x 23.5W (deployed). The monitor shall have a maximum operating pressure of 230 psi or 16 bar. The legs shall fold away to reduce the width down to 7.75". The monitor shall have + 10° of rotation and 50° to 30° elevation range for unmanned use. The handle shall consist of a spring-loaded mechanism that lets the user travel down to 10° of elevation for manned use. The legs shall have a T design and have carbide tip spikes. The monitor shall have a safety strap with integrated bag and hook that is mounted to the monitor and can be hooked to itself to be used as a carrying strap. The monitor mounting bracket shall have the ability hold the monitor with an Akron Brass adjustable/selectable nozzle, Akron Brass fixed orifice nozzle, Akron Brass oscillating nozzle or Akron Brass smooth bore deluge tip. The monitor shall have an unobstructed waterway with a friction loss no more than 6psi at full flow. It shall have a ball shut-off valve with the Akron Tork–Lok mechanism. The material shall be of Pyrolite® construction with the Akro-Tec coating and chrome trim. The outlet shall have a reflective band for night visibility.

Your item/order is cancelled by us

The 500 gpm portable monitor shall meet NFPA 1964, 2018 and EN-15767-1. The quick attack monitor shall be lightweight and compact in size. It shall have a 2 1/2" inlet with a full time swivel and a 2 1/2" outlet. The monitor should weigh no more than 15 pounds or 6.8 kg less the nozzle, and have dimensional layout of 9.6"H x 15.0"L x 23.5W (deployed). The monitor shall have a maximum operating pressure of 230 psi or 16 bar. The legs shall fold away to reduce the width down to 7.75". The monitor shall have + 10° of rotation and 50° to 30° elevation range for unmanned use. The handle shall consist of a spring-loaded mechanism that lets the user travel down to 10° of elevation for manned use. The legs shall have a T design and have carbide tip spikes. The monitor shall have a safety strap with integrated bag and hook that is mounted to the monitor and can be hooked to itself to be used as a carrying strap. The monitor mounting bracket shall have the ability hold the monitor with an Akron Brass adjustable/selectable nozzle, Akron Brass fixed orifice nozzle, Akron Brass oscillating nozzle or Akron Brass smooth bore deluge tip. The monitor shall have an unobstructed waterway with a friction loss no more than 6psi at full flow. It shall have a ball shut-off valve with the Akron Tork–Lok mechanism. The material shall be of Pyrolite® construction with the Akro-Tec coating and chrome trim. The outlet shall have a reflective band for night visibility.

Received item is incorrect

The 500 gpm portable monitor shall meet NFPA 1964, 2018 and EN-15767-1. The quick attack monitor shall be lightweight and compact in size. It shall have a 2 1/2" inlet with a full time swivel and a 2 1/2" outlet. The monitor should weigh no more than 15 pounds or 6.8 kg less the nozzle, and have dimensional layout of 9.6"H x 15.0"L x 23.5W (deployed). The monitor shall have a maximum operating pressure of 230 psi or 16 bar. The legs shall fold away to reduce the width down to 7.75". The monitor shall have + 10° of rotation and 50° to 30° elevation range for unmanned use. The handle shall consist of a spring-loaded mechanism that lets the user travel down to 10° of elevation for manned use. The legs shall have a T design and have carbide tip spikes. The monitor shall have a safety strap with integrated bag and hook that is mounted to the monitor and can be hooked to itself to be used as a carrying strap. The monitor mounting bracket shall have the ability hold the monitor with an Akron Brass adjustable/selectable nozzle, Akron Brass fixed orifice nozzle, Akron Brass oscillating nozzle or Akron Brass smooth bore deluge tip. The monitor shall have an unobstructed waterway with a friction loss no more than 6psi at full flow. It shall have a ball shut-off valve with the Akron Tork–Lok mechanism. The material shall be of Pyrolite® construction with the Akro-Tec coating and chrome trim. The outlet shall have a reflective band for night visibility.

Form Section

Specific products for the fire & safety industry ... ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Heading 2

Vestibulum sed aliquam nibh. Etiam eget lobortis lacus. Etiam imperdiet aliquet neque ac aliquam. Praesent ullamcorper pharetra quam, et finibus urna vulputate ut. Donec rutrum vehicula enim id molestie. Nam lobortis nunc neque, ac elementum leo ultrices quis. Vestibulum augue nisi, tristique non ultricies eu, maximus nec metus. Maecenas eget justo ac quam pellentesque porta a eu velit. Nulla vestibulum neque mattis fringilla rhoncus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus vehicula, sapien ut suscipit sodales, ipsum lacus gravida magna, et ultricies nibh quam eu mauris. Nunc eleifend nibh sem, vel gravida nisi eleifend venenatis. Maecenas sit amet tempus ipsum, ac ornare erat. In quis blandit elit.

Heading 3

Nulla volutpat rutrum vulputate. Curabitur sit amet ex efficitur, hendrerit turpis eu, dapibus sem. Morbi ultricies tincidunt velit, vel ornare odio finibus vel. Ut scelerisque lectus sed scelerisque cursus. In ut mattis turpis. Donec ultrices lobortis faucibus. Phasellus dignissim orci ac justo egestas, at venenatis nisl sagittis. Etiam vitae viverra lacus, pellentesque volutpat sem.

Heading 4

Nulla volutpat rutrum vulputate. Curabitur sit amet ex efficitur, hendrerit turpis eu, dapibus sem. Morbi ultricies tincidunt velit, vel ornare odio finibus vel. Ut scelerisque lectus sed scelerisque cursus. In ut mattis turpis. Donec ultrices lobortis faucibus. Phasellus dignissim orci ac justo egestas, at venenatis nisl sagittis. Etiam vitae viverra lacus, pellentesque volutpat sem.

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